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Generate Random Ai Prompt

Model Count:: 0/5,001,572
What's This?

local is a function that extracts randomly from the list of tags collected in advance.

remote is a data set extracted from the danbooru 2021 post dump tag set. Currently, there are 5,001,572 sets, and it is not easy to face duplicate results because they create different results every time unless the Seed value is fixed when creating an AI image.

Because the data set of remote is too large, it is stored in 1,000 units each. Each time a page is visited or refreshed, a random data set is imported, and 1,000 additional models are imported and merged when clicking "More Load Model".

But your memory could explode if you call all the models like crazy. The total capacity of this data set is 1.7GB

The service randomly generates prompts needed to create artificial intelligence images based on aibooru tag and danbooru tags.

This can be more helpful than you think when you lack the ideas needed to create an image.

Aibooru tag is only 5,041 prompts, but due to the nature of the aibooru service, it will be more specialized in prompts.

The Danbooru tag contains a total of 124,083 tags. It can be said that the extraction was made by filtering as much as possible, but it can also produce useless tags.

If I have a chance, I will add pixiv based tags.

TMI: The logo for this service was also created using Novel AI.